Friday, February 12, 2010


Dearest babushkas,
I went to the dentist yesterday.

I'm not ready to talk about it yet.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


So last night I did yoga. I love yoga. (then why don't you marry it? seriously guys, are we 4?). After I do yoga at night I am totally at peace. I'm the zen master......I make zen my biznitch.

I'm so chill that you could probably ask me whatever you wanted and I would say yes.

you: Liv, can I borrow $10,000?
me: Yea, sure, here's my bank account number.

you: Liv, can I loan out your room to a petting zoo and then you would have to sleep with a bunch of nipping/squawking penguins and poo-flinging monkeys?
me: Yes, I love animals

you: I think you should adopt a baby and name it buckethead.
me: Ok, that's a beautiful name.
I also love Rodney Yee. He's a yoga instructor who's uber-calm and totally awesome. But the video I did last night didn't have Rodney Yee in it. Which is sad. Because I like him.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Work it girl

So I drew a picture of how I picture myself when I'm rocking out. (naturally, this is a fairly accurate representation). Please follow the numbers and explanations.

Is that how you spell bustier? My spell check isn't catching I guess that means I'm awesome.

(Does anybody else do this? Picture yourself rocking out while you're working out? Because if you don't, seriously try it...I burned at least 10 more calories because of it...I also almost ran off the treadmill a couple times...luckily my gym is overrun with elderly no cute boys to make a fool of myself in front of...also no cute boys to help me up if I actually were to run off the treadmill........).
I'm getting really sick of my workout music. Any suggestions?

This or that

Approximately three days ago, my BFF Angie (take no offense other BFF's, there's room for all of you in my heart) asked me this deep question:

would you rather own a yard with miniture lawn ornaments (gnomes) or a yard with miniature animals roaming?**

**Yes, you do have to scoop the animals poop...but it's miniature.


How cute would this be to wake up to everyday.


Would you get creeped out by this?