I am going to order girl scout cookies. Oh man! (I think I had a spasm when someone told me there was a sheet we could order from in the office) -- (remember when you were little and there were those kids whose parents took their cookie orders to work and basically did the work for you, while other children had to go door to door and beg people to buy even half of a box? Yea -- I'm totally ok with that now).
So here's my dilemma. I'm going to get four boxes for $14. I figure that if I eat one per day, maybe freeze some, factor in my two roommates, how I'll feel about cookies after March 1st (when they finally arrive) and if I'm emotionally stressed at that time -- I should be able to make those four boxes last about 4.2 days.
Now the really hard part. What kind of cookies do I get. Seriously people. This is a dilemma. So I've worked it out into a math problem.
Basically it's between these three kinds of cookies (the others just didn't make the cut):
a. Thin Mints
b. Caramel Delights
c. Peanut Butter Patties
So if the sum of a and b is equal to two parts of c that combined equal 12 -- divide that by x amount of money minus 42 + a variable that I can't explain and take that whole darn thing times one million dollars, and you'll get my answer. Just in case you are a visual learner, I've written it up for you.
/ (a+b) = [(z+d=12)=c] \
| ________________ | x $ one million
\ (x-42) + SX4$**C!112 /
If you can figure this equation out, please let me know
So folks, let's look at what we've learned here.
1. I still have no idea what cookies to order
2. In the next few days I will be $14 less richer (is that a double negative?)
3. After consumption of whatever type of cookies I order, I am going to be hella bloated and uber satisfied
If anyone has any input, I welcome the advice.