Sunday, January 3, 2010

Litter box

Now, you all know that I love me some Beyonce (my cat, not the singer...although I do enjoy a good Beyonce tune that I can shake my booty to every now and then)...but she's got some problems.

1. I know that what comes out into the kitty litter isn't roses and rainbows...but this cat craps loads. Seriously. And they smell. We have to shut the bathroom door, turn the fan on and spray fabreeze...otherwise we'll start to smell it in the living room. And for some reason, she doesn't cover these incidents up with kitty litter. Cats are suppose to cover up what comes out with kitty litter. Right? Right? Am I wrong? I don't think so. Beyonce missed that lecture.

2. She barfed. Sorry to put that so bluntly. I was trying to think of a way that would be less vulgar....but that was the best opening, I think it conjures up the emotion that I'm trying to get at. It was just last night. With no warning...on the living room floor. I am now wearing my slippers all the time.
I do apologize for the grossness of this post...but sometimes the truth is disgusting.


  1. I feel that the word "ralphed" is less vulgar than "barfed". Or maybe thats just because ralph makes me laugh, while barf makes we want to barf.

  2. Hey...remember my cat. Oh she was precious (most didn't like her) she was bulimic. Just be thankful your cat hasn't developed this yet.
