Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blaming the cat.

disclaimer: please don't read if you don't like flatulence

Ok. So last week, I was in the living room with my two roommates and Beyonce. We were doing 'AB RIPPER' from P90X...(we're going to be hella-buff)...and I let out a toot ( it proper to say 'fart' [one of my sisters kindly refers to that as the f-word] or maybe 'flatulence'? I think I'll stick with toot).

And I claimed it...there was no way I couldn' big deal really. Flash forward to after P90X (when we're ripped), and I tooted again (this time it wasn't I didn't say anything). We started talking about Beyonce and how her poops smell really bad (because they totally do), and then one roommate holds her nose and says 'ugh! She just farted too!'.....................................................................................................................So I said 'I can't smell it yet (trying to make my most convincing 'gross you farted' face)'...then I said 'Ugh, now I do! Gross! That smells so bad!' (trying to keep that 'gross you farted' face). I didn't tell them it was me.

Beyonce, I'm sorry I blamed you for my toot.

To make up for my flatulence story, here's video I hope you enjoy. (please take special notice of the 2:10 mark

1 comment:

  1. What. The. Hell. That video is the gayest thing I've ever seen, and I don't mean "lame" or "stupid." I mean homosexual. Where do you find these things? Haahahaha.
