Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ballet 101*

Today I would like to give you a dance lesson, from my nephew. You might say "Liv, why am I getting a dance lesson? I groove like a banshee when I'm on the dance floor!" My dear, lovely, rhythmically-inclined reader: I don't doubt that you get your groovin' movin' booty on, but there's always room for improvement right? Onward.

We're all going to learn some classical basics from my nephew Gabe. Gabe is a sensitive little fellow (he'll be two on December 7th) who enjoys candy, snuggling and running after/away from little dogs that are 1/4 of his size. But hey, what other almost 2-year-old doesn't love that?

So to begin with, I give you first position. Notice the upright posture and concentration of the turnout. (although he may need to turn from the hips more [I learned that from Center Stage])

Now, second position. If you're like Gabe, and have an almost-two-year-old sense of balance and need to hold on the table, that's ok. In this position here, the goal is to find a spot on the wall to stare at. Once you find that spot, just turn out your left leg until toes are pointed as far back as they can go and you look a little disjointed, and you've got it.

If you find yourself doing these positions and all of a sudden you need to stretch, feel free to do that.

And always, return to 1st

Then, arabesque! Beautiful! Notice the weight placed on the front foot, giving him proper balance to really elongate that back leg. Now, if you hold your breath in this pose, you can get the same somwhat-constipated face as my nephew here (just a pointer for all you beginners).

Also, if people aren't watching you while you're doing this (there should always be an audience), feel free to go over and check to see if they're watching, or remind them that whatever they're doing is not as important as watching you do ballet.

Then repeat the action (only better this time). Really stretch it out. This is the money pose.

There you have it. Ballet 101 from an almost-two-year-old.

Anybody else not take dance lessons when they were younger and feel slightly deprived because of it?

*I would also like to put a disclaimer on this post...I actually know nothing about ballet...I really hope you didn't have to read this disclaimer to figure that out.

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