I feel the need to tell you all I'm having a bad hair day. I have illustrated the problem and am going to explain what is going on in this drawing, as it may be hard to understand at first. (Before I start I would like you to please note the luscious lips and long lashes in the drawing before you look at the hair). Also, know that I washed my hair this morning (this short hair thing totally works better when my hair is skanky).

1. Ok, let's start. So the left side is doing this wonky thing where it's laying down fine behind my ear but there's a piece in front that's coming out like a bird wing. And not a cute bird wing. You know, when your hair does cute funny things and people are like 'oh it's so cute because it's crazy and unruly!'. No, this is an ugly bird wing.
2. The top is kind of coming up to a cone. Not like a cool faux hawk, but like my head is shaped slightly like a cone so my hair follows that shape.
3. On the right side I kind of have this swoop thing where the hair from the back of my head comes forward and, right before my hairline, swoops down, kind of like a whirlpool. And this whirlpool makes a little bump, so my head not only looks like a cone, but it looks like a cone that has an unfortunate lump on the side.
4. oh, and the back has these little wisps of hair that hang down just enough it looks like the start of a mullet. Now, I have nothing against a mullet, as I totally rocked one when I was younger (I try to stay really positive about it and think I was cute, otherwise I might start crying), but this is an ugly mullet.
Overall, I'm hopeful that tomorrow will be a better hair day.
Oh no, the mullet! I too have gone through that stage with my short hair...I hope I'm out of it now but there was a time where things just got tragic.