Secondly, I would like to say that I feel large. I'm not talking about the 'feel sorry for me' or 'I think I'm fat' kinda thing. I'm talking about 'I stuffed myself silly today with all different kinds of food so I feel like the only reason the button on my jeans in hanging in there is because my belt buckle is taking on the force of my protruding stomach and somehow keeping everything together' kind of feeling. I would be happy if I were this gorilla.

I'm at home today with my mama and my neice and nephew. And the babies are constantly eating (part of why I've been constantly eating)...and running around...and throwing hissy fits...and giving me the stink-eye...and yelling 'no!' at me on our walk when I get too close. this is how I feel.

So after I'm done posting this, I'm going to go upstairs and put the babies in their pajamas (don't worry, my mom is watching them right now), and then we're all going to make a little nest in the living room and watch Ice Age 3. Then when the babies go to bed, I"m going to play scrabble and watch the episode of Glee that I missed this week.
On a bonus note, I ordered a couple things from Urban Outfitters today...on might ask "Liv, how excited are you to" "EXCITED. I'm really excited".
Lastly, does anybody else watch 'Big Bang Theory'? I just got into it this past week. It's seriously really funny. Really funny.
Like Big Bang? Ever watched Arrested Development? I think you'd probably enjoy that as well if not...definetely check it out! When you're not running around after babies, that is...