I cut my hair. I did it. Finally just chopped it all off. I grew a pair of balls and now I look like a 14-year-old boy. Just kidding. I don't look like 14-year-old boy. I look hot. Seriously. My face was made for short hair (that's what the hair stylist told me).
Everyone loves it. Except my brother. Well, I think he's pretty neutral about it. He told me before I left I would look like a boy. When I got home he looked at me (giggled) and said "I didn't know I had a brother!" (and giggled some more). My mother encouraged him by giggling. Which, in turn, made me giggle.
Before (please don't mind that it looks like it's longer on one side and the fact that I have puff eyes).
After (hottie!)
In other news, I spent Halloween in Chicago, watching other people dressed up. I even saw a hobbit vampire. My sister and I thought it was just a vampire at first, but the nasty feet and hobbit-like cape led us to a different conclusion.
On Sunday, my Grandma (who lives an hour west of Chicago), mom, sister and Aunt Kristen, all had lunch. To celebrate Halloween (a day late) donned mustaches that my sister got for a wedding present from her coworkers (I think everyone should give fake mustaches as gifts for weddings).
I'm not sure you know about this, but fake mustaches don't have to just be used as fake mustaches. Sometimes they can be used as a fake unibrow.

They can also be worn upside down and with another fake mustache. My grandma is awesome.

Lastly, I had my interview today, it went really well! But I won't know for a few weeks.
Your hair DOES look great. You definitely have the facial structure for it. In June I got my hair cut into a faux hawk and endured endless months of people asking whether I was a girl or a boy...but that only added to the fun of it for me. ;) Found my way over here via weardrobe.com!