Thursday, November 5, 2009

I did it!

Since 8/11/09, I have applied for 28 jobs. In 14 different cities/towns for 12 different positions. But this time, I got the job. I did. I totally did. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man. I feel good (na na na na na na na [I hope that was the right amount of na-na's), I knew that I would (na x 7).

So my new job will be working in Cedar Rapids, IA, at The Gazette as a Content Layout Designer. Whoooooo! Yea! Awesome! That's so cool! Whee! Totally!

The only downside to this is that I really can't pass for a student anymore (remember, I look like I'm about 14...but with this new haircut it's about 16!). So I can't get a discount at the Lake Mills Theatre. I'm not even mad about that right now. Lake Mills, Iowa, I will pay that extra dollar!

I think I need to send my haircut lady some cupcakes. I seriously think it was the haircut that got me the job. I should have gotten my haircut sooner.

This post is awkward. I don't apologize but I do sympathize. Before I leave I would like to tell you to go to Daily Candy. It's an uber cool site. It has information on big cities like best places to eat, neighborhoods, recipes, travel, gifts...totally awesome stuff.


  1. Congratulations! Sounds really cool!! Oh and I love your hair cut, you're so brave to have chopped it all off. But it looks fantastic.
